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Zallaqa - Talent Acquisition

Recruit Talent. Fuel Success. Grow Together.

Efficiently source top talent and build high-performing teams through our strategic talent acquisition solutions tailored to your organizational needs.

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About Zallaqa

Al Zallaqa Headhunting is a newly established subsidiary of Al Basel Group of Companies. Providing headhunting and recruitment services for VIP and Luxury 5 Star hotels in GCC and south of France. With the leadership of Mr. Basel Al Kasem, a former Business Development Manger of Burj Al Arab he has helped companies with their recruitment needs due to his close ties and connections with the Luxury Hospitality Industry.

  • info@zallaqa.sa
  • +966-54-033-2121
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • https://zallaqa.sa/

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